Monday, August 8, 2016

Berkshires or Bust!

Thursday afternoon Bill and I took a road trip.  Unfortunately we took the slow road because the traffic was horrific.  Our destination was the Berkshires to watch a Slate podcast being recorded.  But it was not to be.  It took Bill over an hour just to get from his office to my office and we could not make up the lost time.  So we accepted our fate and figured at least we were getting away for a little overnighter.
We stayed at this bed and breakfast in Pittsfield.
I wish this picture wasn't quite so dark.  The house was gorgeous.  
I had serious porch envy.
Dinner was delicious - - Salmon (me) and gourmet mac and cheese (Bill) at a little place called The District.  They had a local artist's works on the walls.
I was seriously tempted by this one but I kept myself in check.  
When we got back to the bed and breakfast we sat outside for a bit while Bill smoked his cigar - - and realized we saw a bat flying all over that big open room!!  We managed to get in and upstairs without it getting in our hair (the universal fear about bats).  The owner had to shoo it out a window after we went to bed.

When we got back to the Port we found that someone left us the biggest zucchini we've ever seen.  And a couple of onions. We think it was our carpenter, Greg, but that is still unconfirmed.

1 comment:

didi said...

I think the porn gardener left you a greeting with that zucchini and 2 hanging onions...