Sunday, June 21, 2015

Summer Solstice Eve

Jessica and Dima came to the port this weekend!
We started the visit off with a walk into town and a stroll along the waterfront.  There was an older gentleman in a purple unitard doing amazing yoga type upside down balancing moves in the park.  Why does someone do that in public?  Are they seeking attention?  Was he an old circus performer that needed an outlet in his old age?  
We did a little photo shoot along the Merrimac.
We were told to look angry.  I'm not sure either of us really accomplished anger.  Jessica looks like she might burst into song and I look like Popeye.
We started walking around town and then Dima disappeared…OMG he's talking to Mr Unitard!!
Turns out this guy hurt his back when he was in his 30's and started doing yoga.  This eventually lead to him doing mid air upside down splits in the park in a purple unitard.  I'm not sure if this is a success story or a cautionary tale.
We did what anyone else would do after hearing that story.  
We got gelato.
A little while later we were back on Atwood.  Pete, Denise and Christin all came  over to partake in the Summer Solstice bbq and fire pit night.
Steak tips and corn on the cob, coming right up!
Jessica set us all straight…I don't know what the topic was but this is the face of a woman who knows she is right!

Laura joined us when she got home.
What was your first concert?  Mine was Rick Springfield.  Pete's was Jethro Tull.  Christin went to Depech Mode.  Laura saw Elton John.  Bill enjoyed our own fire pit concert.  When did a lighter become the symbol for encore?
By the end of the night Dima was giving us his best Lloyd Dobler.  In Your Eyes was playing and we all chimed in to mangle the lines of our hero:
 I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.
It's funny to think of that as a line that would attract you to someone. Any slightly older woman would realize that producing, buying and selling are all valid career choices unless you want to hitch your wagon to a bum. Then again, I guess Lloyd could go into HR or Operations?

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