Thursday, June 11, 2015

Happy Birthday, Dawn!!

In honor of Dawn's special day I am posting a retrospective of our time together….
Dawn's was my first Booktopia roomie in Parsley and made sure we were never hungry or thirsty.
I think we did more posing than reading….
Dawn always knows how to put her best face forward.
This is the moment we all became Fabbie Friends - - when Dawn showed us how there is a hole in her eyeball and we discovered that we all had or wanted to have a Fitbit.
Dawn and Earle having "phone sex"
Two beauties!
 I have no idea what was going on here - - but I love it!!
Look out Elton John, the Fabbies are in P-Town!

 Force feeding Lisa a chocolate bunny
 A toast to the birthday girl!!!  Happy Birthday, Fabbie Dawn!!! xoxo

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