Thursday, June 18, 2015

Back at the Tavern for some Tunes

Every Wednesday night there is an Irish jam session (music, not jelly).  People come and join the group to sing and play. I assume there is a core group that is usually there but they have a new-comer in their midst.  Zoe!
Proud Mom and proud future step-mother-in-law made sure to applaud the loudest.
They were great!  Zoe was nervous at first but seemed to relax once she got into the groove of the songs she knew.   She even had come solo moments.  One of the men in the group had a great voice so he got even some of the audience singing.

The waitress complimented both of us on our "blouses".
Christen stopped by to listen and treated us to a preview of the interpretive dance she wants to do at Bret and Zoe's wedding. 
On our way home we said hello to Mickey and Laura.  (Because doesn't everyone want their crazy blogging neighbors to come to their door at 10:30 and take pictures??)  
It was a lovely night in our little patch of the world.

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