Tuesday, June 16, 2015

House Update

It's been a while since we showed you the various decorating projects around the house.  

First, I'm fairly certain we never showed you the Black Room. This was Joey's orange room.  If you want to see an old post to remind yourself what the orange room looked like, check out September 24 2011 when we cleaned it after Joey left for college.  (That was back in the day when we didn't know we could post the pictures at different sizes and every thing is little…we were such novice bloggers back then.)
Anyway, Bill decided he wanted black.  Not just black but Glossy Black.  I balked.  The painter (Tim) warned us multiple times that it would show all the imperfections of the wall…everyone was skeptical. But Bill was right.  I love it.
The room is now Bill's office/guest room.  And since Joey took his bed to his Salem apartment, we bought a mod day bed that folds down into a larger than twin, smaller than double sized bed that I've yet to find sheets for.  

This room has had 2 guests so far - and both politely gave it a thumbs up despite the fact that there are no shades on the windows so every night is a peep show and every morning is a rude awakening at dawn.  I thought white shutters would be good but Bill is leaning towards a some sort of nontraditional shade.  But without another guest on the horizon we've stalled out on that conversation and moved on to other projects.
This next project is NOT making me happy.  My beautiful wallpaper in the 3rd floor guest room has separated from the wall.  Tim (painter/wallpaperer) came to look at it - - seems that whoever painted over the original vinyl wall paper never primed it.  Where the sun has been beating down on it from the skylight the paper dried and tightened and pulled right off the vinyl taking the paint off with it.  Look at how clean it pulled the paint off !!
Needless to say, I'm heartbroken.  Tim is going to try to fix it without having to buy more paper ($$ugh$$) and start again.  Stay tuned for this one because it could go either way.
One happy addition to the guest room was a new bureau.  I was going to line the drawers with the left over wall paper - I guess it's a good thing I procrastinated because now we may wind up needing that!
Regardless, I still love this room.  I love the blue and green walls.  I love the new bed.  Every time I come up stairs I wonder why we haven't just moved up there to enjoy it.
Did I already show you the wallpaper in the old dining room?  Doesn't Petey look fabulous on it?
The Churchills are enjoying it as well.
And now for something new!  
The living room is getting a new couch.  A sectional in solid orange with orange and wheat colored throw pillows and a plaid ottoman.  What do you think?  I'm very excited but it's going to be many weeks before these beauties arrive.  
There is still plenty more to do but we keep chipping away at it.  More updates as we progress...

1 comment:

didi said...

I love the wallpaper -- both prints. Can't wait to see them. I am going to reserve judgment on the glossy black until I see it up close and personal. Can I bring chalk?