Friday, March 16, 2012

Rorschach: What do you see in this picture?

Desperate for a photo we took this one with Photobooth on Bill's Mac.  Then Bill worked his photoshop magic.  Can you tell what is going on here?  It's like a Rorschach test.  

Meanwhile, it's pizza night. My favorite night of the week.  Work is over, we have two full days of leisure in front of us. Joey gets home Sunday morning which means Joey will be featured in the blog next week (something for Fletch to look forward to).  

Random reference to an earlier post - - I don't know which of us (me or Andy) came up with that game show title (see March 14) but I clearly remember the setting.  We were talking while sleeping over at Gramma Entwistle's house.  There was only one bedroom (hers) so we slept on lawn chairs on either side of the dining room table.  When I had to get up in the middle of the night to pee it meant the chair would flip up and I would sort of catapult into the table legs.  Good times at Gramma E's.


chi said...

I think I see Petey and Bill on your porch???

didi said...

I see a woman's profile. No wait. I see a vase. No wait. A woman. No wait, a vase.

Fletch said...

Woo Hoo! More Joey! Hopefully he enjoyed watching my Ohio Bobcats advance to the sweet 16.