Friday, December 9, 2011

Yesterday's Post - Brooklyn Bound

Arrived in Brooklyn at our our "apartment".  Our usual NYC apartment was already booked this weekend so we found a B&B that has an apartment option.  Turned out to be the top floor of a neighbor's house.  So she was downstairs putting up her Christmas tree when we came in to unpack.  

Then first stop was dinner.  Somehow half price sushi doesn't sound that appetizing.

We found a great place in Park Slope - Slope Park Cafe (below).  We were the last to leave since we didn't get our act together to go out until after 9pm.  Isn't this the city that never sleeps?  By the time we got home last night I was way too tired to post so you are getting an after breakfast post.  And I already have new breakfast shots of our new Germany friends....but that will have to wait for today's post.

I picked this apartment situation because we didn't have to share a bathroom  - except with each other and eventually with Bill's nephew Jeff who arrives today. So here is a shot of it.

The whole reason for this trip is that Jeff has tickets to 2 UDub basketball games at Madison Square Garden tomorrow so I'm just a tag along (which also meant upgraded accommodations for the boys.  Petey and I do NOT do Comfort Inn).  Stacey and Diane are also in NYC this weekend so hopefully we will connect and get some good posts!

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