Thursday, December 15, 2011

Head on a stick series # 27, plus a bloody leg

When you take the corner from the hallway toward my office you are met with heads on a stick.
Everyone asks me what those heads are for.
I want to say things like "These are the head of employees I have fired".  But, alas, even I know that is not going to be met with the intended humor all the time (I sit next to I.T. guys... not known for nuanced humor... too literal)
Jennie will not be happy to see that her scowling face greets my workmates every day.
Bret just sent me this fine photo of his leg... played in a game of flag football and dove at someone. Proud of him.  I can't remember having a raspberry so colorful in all my baseball sliding days.

1 comment:

didi said...

Where is Friday's post? No slacking with only 2 weeks left in 2011!!!!