Sunday, December 4, 2011

Merry Christmas - The Atwood Party

Posting last night after our party was not going to happen, so Jen and I are groggily catching up.
Laura just came by and told us that this was the best party yet- - and that I(Jen) was very entertaining.  Not sure what she meant by that...
Lisa is either laughing at something inappropriate that Jen said or is throwing up the scallops wrapped in bacon.  
Look at the fun being had at our party!  (right before this shot Diane said "Let's pose like we're having fun at the party".  Whatever, even faking having fun is fun.
I made heads on a stick for everyone.  Some loved their head, others....well.... not so much.
I tried to add an artsy flair to the photos, but the peasants didn't appreciate it.  Rick "mine looks like I just came out of a coal mine".
Bill segregated the party by starting a "Man Fire" out in the yard.  One by one all the men migrated to the fire and the bourbon.  When I poked my head out the door and asked "What's going on out here?" Dima replied, "No one is peeing in the garage."  I won't say who no one turned out to be.

An awkward conversation blossomed when Pete asked the rest of the boys who their celebrity man crush is.  Some of us answered quickly...too quickly (hey, not ashamed of my bromance for Clooney).
Rick has a giant head.


didi said...

Broil High!!!!

Susan said...

I'm so sorry to have missed the festivities!