Friday, December 30, 2011

Jen & Bill in 3D

Bill saw his first 3D movie today - Hugo.  This was not just a movie outing but an example of the ways Bill and I have to compromise to stay married.  He went to a matinee (it is a long standing complaint of mine that we went to matinees BEFORE we got married only to find out that he doesn't like to see movies during the day AFTER we got married.  A classic bait & switch) and I agreed to the back row (for some reason Bill thinks the cool people all sit in the back. The closer rows are for those of us who are vision impaired). 

Here we are rockin' the 3D glasses (and yes, I did wonder who else has worn these before me and what contagion might be present)

1 comment:

didi said...

If Bill is going to be the next Roger Ebert, he better get used to afternoon matinees.