Sunday, December 11, 2011

Brooklyn Breakfast

Breakfast was interesting on this trip.  When we first arrived at the B&B (which was really just a B and you had to pay extra for the other B) we were told how fabulous the breakfasts were and that they were worth the extra $10.  So Friday morning we ordered breakfast and ate with our two German friends.  We had eggs, bacon, toast, fruit, etc.  The owner was there, chatting it up with us and it was a great time.

Saturday we sign up again with Jeff.  It's just the three of us.  When we get there the table is all laid out with fruit, granola, various toppings and yoghurt.  After a few minutes, a woman comes in with hot biscuits.  That was it.  And the owner is no where to be found.  Obviously now that the cute German girls were gone, he had better things to do in the morning.  

Sunday morning we decided to venture out.  Jeff left early that morning so Bill and I hit Park Slope again and found a wonderful little cafe playing awesome music (Sam Cooke, some french music, blues, etc). The wall had a cool mural and there were funky chandeliers.  I sat in a window bench with the NYTimes. This is Bill ordering more tea.  
I was briefly convinced that Jimmy Fallon was having breakfast with a toddler in the other window seat (does Jimmy Falon have a kid?  Maybe it was a nephew?) but Bill thought the guy looked more like what Billy Joel's son would look like if he had one.  In other words - no celebrity sightings on this trip.

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