Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday NYC

We made new friends over breakfast yesterday(Friday).  Two girls from Germany who gave us titles of Germany movies (one is a musical comedy western) to watch. Check out
Schuh des Manitu Superperforator on YouTube:

 We met Jeff for lunch and then, on the waitress' recommendation, the New Museum.  It was a bit of a dud actually - you have to sign a waiver to ride the Mirror Carousel and the Slide.  This is Bill and I on the Mirror Carousel.  Do you see any wind blowing through my hair?  It moved so slowly that you could barely tell it was happening.  What did I waive?
 The Slide was definitely more fun but it only lasted about 20 seconds.  You lie on a cotton cloth and go down two stories in a tube.  Bill tried to get a picture of me in it but it happens too fast.
 Christmas in NYC wouldn't be complete without a trip to Rockefeller Center.
 Here we are waiting for the B train back to Brooklyn.  We then tried to find the pizza place recommended to us and wound up driving back over the Brooklyn Bridge.  Gave up and ate again in Park Slope.  Bedtime 1 AM.  zzzzz

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