Tuesday, October 4, 2011

That is one nutty hospital!*

The NPPS gathered tonight to start a new BBC series - London Hospital.  We were expecting Luke and Laura with pre WWII cockney accents.  Instead we got an opening scene of a man who slit his own throat, complete with lots of blood. Anyone who knows the NPPS knows that one member (the one who brought her George Foreman grill and delicious steak tips from Butcherellis)  cannot watch violence, gore, sex, or violent gory sex.  We quickly reverted to a more cerebral offering from the BBC - the latest adaptation of Sherlock Holmes.  This was especially good for one of the other members of the NPPS (the one who is holding the dvd cover) because she has a not-so-secret crush on Benedict Cumberbatch.  
*Anyone recognize the movie quote in the blog title??

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