Thursday, October 6, 2011

Feeling Nostalgic (code for no new photos)

 Posting the picture of our wedding last night made me go back and look at all the old photos.  Since I'm home alone tonight with Bill in California, I thought I would post some classic moments.  I want to point this photo out to Andy - this is Sinclair.  For a brief time I thought he would be our new daddy.  That's Mom talking on the phone to his daughter from the pub.  I think if his phone could dial internationally they were going to call you next.  Later in the trip, Mom was force feeding Lisa wine.

Touching the cherub bum was almost a sport at the Witchery.  Check out my form.  I was one of the top cherub bum touchers!  (10 years later Bill and I had dinner right underneath that bum. I gave it a little touch for old time's sake)

And who could forget the quest for fluffernutter?  The next best thing was whipped cream.  I'm surprised that one of us didn't go into the flutternutter exporting business - we would make a killing in the UK.  I've sort of forgotten why we were compelled to spray it down Sue's sweater?

 I've also forgotten why we all had to kiss the fish head.  But I'm glad we did.
 I love how our "official" wedding photos are all old-timey looking.  Doesn't this look like some sort of reunion in the 1950's?  Of course, this is only a photo proof because Bill and I never actually got around to ordering our wedding photos so we just rubbed the inked copyright off these.
The best moment of the whole trip was Irene playing the acordion at breakfast after a wee bit o' scotch.  Best trip ever. 


Mom said...

Best trip ever -- absolutely!

didi said...

best trip ever! next up? african safari. Who is in?

Susan said...

So happy to have warranted a mention in the blog! I have no recollection of that moment, sigh. Good times!