Monday, October 17, 2011

I have all my best ideas first thing in the morning.  I wake up bursting with things I need to do, solutions to problems, lists to remember.  Before my head is off the pillow I've had at least 3 brilliant thoughts.  Basically, 10 minutes into the day, I've peaked.  I might  as well go back to bed before I even get out of it.

Immediately upon waking this morning I was thinking of two regrets from the night before - the feedbag full of kettle corn that I strapped on and consumed in record time and the fact that Bill and I spent the night in front of the TV watching absolutely nothing of value.

I should have mentioned that Bill is not exactly a morning person.  Usually my brilliance is ignored or at least unappreciated but this morning I managed to hold on to my thought until he looked reasonably ready to hear it (while watching his morning dose of Sports Center).  Lo and behold - when I came home from my festival planning meeting, there he was out in the yard with a fire!  (Ok, technically he also had his laptop and was watching a dvd, but he stopped watching when I arrived.)  I was able to make my dinner (leftovers from the crock pot) and sit out by the fire enjoying a beautiful fall night with a toasty fire, good conversation, and the atmospheric mournful howl of the dog Laura is babysitting in the back ground.   (It gave the whole night a very woodsy feel as if wolves were near by.)

Who knows what brilliance tomorrow morning will bring??