Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tonight - a very special blog post

Stacey, Di and I went out for dinner tonight - most likely our last girls night out before Stacey spawns another human being. We all agreed that having a baby doesn't make you any more interested in anyone else's baby and that the only reason people tolerate other people's stories about their kids is so that they can then then talk endlessly about their own kid. It's all about air time.
Here we are enjoying our cheese plate.
As if that wasn't exciting enough we have a very special addition tonight.
This is a post from our first guest blogger. We'll give him second billing tonight, as he has been brought in on a probationary period.
His name is Mike (although in this house he is known as "Fletcher"...have you ever noticed that people with the last name Fletcher go by the moniker Fletcher? What does the family call each other at home?) and he's a Sales Manager from California. And he's a pain in my ass. Please feel free to give Fletcher feedback.

"Hello vast army of Jen and Bill blog followers. As one who religiously tunes in each day (as I am sure you do also) I think I can speak for us in saying that recently some of the material has been a little weak. I recently told Bill, that more Jen and more Joey would certainly improve the quality. Rather than take my well thought out feedback, instead we get a picture of Bill's cheeseburger. Clearly Bill has stolen the controls of the blog away from the undoubtedly more eloquent and infinitely more interesting Jen/Joey.

In any case, I was anxiously looking forward to actually seeing Bill's smiling face at a meeting we were going to be having in Arizona this week. Visions on him actually generating some interesting content, perhaps even up to the Jen/Joey level, danced in my head. Instead, what I got was a some lame excuse about why he couldn't make it and another picture of the cheeseburger he had for lunch. As such, I took the liberty to taking this photo of Bill's badge which as you can see is clearly not attached to him. This is my tribute to him and small attempt to help him in never-ending quest to have interesting things to write about."

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