Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Là breith sona dhuit, Andrea!

Andrea missed her bookclub birthday celebration tonight because she had to work. We couldn't even skype because Martha's wireless was down and the free Quietfish-Guest network didn't seem to "take". (Have you ever noticed the wacky names of your wireless neighbors? Are people on my street saying "Who the $%@& is named their network Bumbleman?"
And is everyone thinking "Baby Fish Mouth is sweeping the nation...." right now or just me?)

Anyway, we didn't get to see Sita in her Easter garb and we didn't get to hear Andrea (or Cindy)'s thoughts on The Postmistress (thumbs up first 2/3s - thumbs down last 1/3).
But we did have cake and a toast to wish Andrea a happy birthday. May this be the year that she buys that flat in Edinburgh and we make our bookclub an international organization.


andreaoz said...

That's so sweet! Thank you all!!

Sita was also very disappointed to miss the event and bit the cottontail off her outfit in despair.

I'll raise a glass to buying that flat, and another one to not missing book club again because of work!

Jen and Bill said...

I myself raised a few glasses tonight.... some of them in honor on Andrea.
Some of them because work was buying.
Happy Birthday, Andrea.