Friday, September 3, 2010

Yeah we all shine on, and moon and stars and the sun

Name the song.
Jen and I took a walk in town before the big hurricane hit. We don't think category 1 hurricane Earl will connect here, but it's fun to see everyone taping their windows in preparation for Armageddon.

(Jen, at the end of the year see if we remember our Smitty Smith Smith song)


amp said...

Whitney will definitely know as she is serious beatlemaniac. Daisy woke me up this morning and declared "the hurricane is so OVER!"

Jen and Bill said...

That reminds us that we forgot to return your Beatle-Apple. Make plans with us again soon and you'll get it back. Bring my hat.

amp said...

We meet up at opposite ends of a ghost town with dried up sage brushes blowing across the dusty road between and the old saloon boarded up and almost falling down on one side. There's some Clint eastwood-esque music as we both freeze, hands on six shooters, me wearing the hate, you sporting the apple on a necklace. I toss the hat at the xact same moment you throw the apple but neither throw is on target. It's a double rouse and the bullets fly. As the sun sets, the hat and the apple lie in the dust along with two shot-up old cooters.

Jen and Bill said...

And then Whitney and I arrive whistling Rocky Raccoon, pick up the hat and the apple and walk off to have a drink and talk about the rest of our lives ...

Jen and Bill said...

In scene three the old cooters have healed their wounds. They've found a mutual respect for each other and have a new spring in their step since being released from the yoke of their nagging wives.
They co-run the local brothel, Whores-a-Plenty. They have a local craftsman make them a cool sign with a picture of a cornucopia with a bunch of sexy woman's legs poking out of it.

dmizzle said...

instant kharma