Saturday, September 18, 2010

Summer extended

We had a great day in Ogunquit. Lunch at Jackie's included steamers, lobster bisque and a lobster salad... plus a couple of afternoon beers. Perfect seats outside in the sun looking out on the Atlantic. Took in the art museum. We asked a couple local fisherman for directions to the museum and they told us to get in the back of their pickup and they'd drive us there. We love that. Jen let the thought of us being kidnapped and murdered go through her head only for a second.
I had a chat with a cute lesbian who had a bunch of tattoos while waiting for Jen. She was in a shop, I was having a cigar. Her friend, who wanted me to give her my hat, asked me if I was waiting for my wife or my husband. Sweater vest, silly hat, we were in Ogunquit.... fine, I get it.


amp said...

It's ridiculous that Maine is so close. Like, hey, New Hampshire, grow a coast line!

dmizzle said...

Oh. This hat. This is the ugliest hat I have ever seen. I bet if you buy this hat you get a free bowl of soup. Oh. But it looks good on you. (eyes rolling)