Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's nice to be nice to the nice

Our neighbor Cheryl, who we don't get to talk to all that much, snuck onto our porch and dropped off this bouquet of flowers. I don't think there is anything that rivals random, unexpected acts of goodness. We're so used to watching reality television with a cynical eye. Even when we see shows like extreme home makeover it will make us teary eyed, but we know we're being manipulated.
Having someone do something good on you, for the sake of being good, it's just shouldn't be taken for granted.


amp said...

So very true and backed up by lots of psychology research, actually. I call it the Las Vegas slot machine strategy of life. The arrival of unexpected, unpredictable good things feels really good.

Jennifer said...

Bill was too shy to say it but he actually started this circle of good will by taking a discarded metal patio chair, spray painting it orange and putting it anonymously in Cheryl's garden. Cheryl was coveting our orange chairs and knew right away where her mystery chair came from...she was very touched by the gesture earlier this summer. So I'm sure the flowers are a thank you to Bill but still a wonderful surprise!!

didi said...

now if someone would sneak in and put a warm meatloaf and creamy mashed potoatoes on that beautifully set table -- and an apple pie in the oven -- you'd be all set!

Jen and Bill said...

As soon as Didi said meatloaf I thought we were going to have to call out the Google sensors....