Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Power Trio Dorks

These are my work buddies, Peter and Greg. A few years ago we started inviting people to McDonald's from our work to get to know them. We'd conduct what basically amounted to a guerrilla interview. We'd share something inappropriate about ourselves and they would have to reciprocate. We had fun with it and didn't push too hard, but you had to impress us or never get invited back. Somehow word spread and people wanted in. It became a status symbol to be invited to our interrogations. The only change we made was to trade McDonald's in for Sal's. (We had little friends at McDonald's who took care of us but after Adrien had a heart attack and didn't recognize us when she came back it became too sad)

Over the years we've had fellow employees tell us about their lesbian fantasies, about burning down a dorm room by accident and one guy shared a creepy story about him and his high school buddies feeling up a teen girl in a car. He wasn't invited back. We've had our bosses and VP's ask in. We had one chick try to pit us against each other. It wasn't until the ride home before we realized what she was doing. She also never received a return invite.

It's a pathetic little ritual that basically is equivalent to being king of the dorks, but when your job is to fire people it's something to look forward to.

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