Saturday, September 25, 2010

Newburyport Documentary Film Festival Weekend

Stacey, Laura and I indulged in the Nbpt Doc Film Fest today despite the "beautiful" 80 degree sunny day (if you like that sort of thing). Stacey and I started last night with Orgasm, Inc and began our day (after breakfast at Mad Martha's) with Toyland. Then Laura joined us for the over-hyped Loving Lamposts.

Lunch was Thai food on the roof deck of the Tannery overlooking the Merrimac.

After the movies we needed a caffeine infusion - iced coffee and iced tea at the Plum Island Coffee Roasters (a first for Stacey!) On a side note, I decided today that the white All Stars were one of my best NYC purchases.

We ended the day with dinner at Glenn's Cool Bar. The boys got giddy rehashing Daves of Thunder and Jen told stories about her job "socializing the ice maker".

Everyone likes a candid shot: reminiscent of the old self timer shots of the 90's, Jen does a dive into Dave & Stacey's lap. Dave's face really says it all.

Bill and I were sad to see Stacey and Dave go. Hopefully America's Favorite Houseguests will be back soon!

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