Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving Week 2016

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.  I stuffed myself until I could barely fit through the door.  You have to have a little of everything and then you need to have at least seconds of your favorite things and then the next thing you know, you've eaten 2-3 meals worth of food in one sitting.  Anyway, here is round up of events since we were last together on the blog.

Bill and I went to see Anna Kendrick in Boston.  Yes, the actress…she wrote a book so she's out on book tour and someone in this household thinks she's the bees knees so I grabbed us some tickets.  We were a little farther back than we would have been for someone like David Mitchell so she's a little blurry.  She's the one on the left.  As you can see, she was on stage with another woman who was also around 30 years old.  OMG - did I sound like that when I was 30?  Because the evening was like being trapped in a junior high slumber party.  Both women had very young voices and there was a lot of giggling.  I felt dead old.  Bill and I were definitely not her usual demographic. But it was a fun evening even though we are geriatric.
Last weekend we had a professional photo shoot with the whole family.  I snapped a few pix when I wasn't posing.

Trudi and her grandkids.
Bret and Family
Joey and Allie
This was the pose of the day though….Brenda surrounded by husband #1 and husband #2.

After the photo shoot we all went back to our place where Bill and Malikai had another photo shoot of their own.  With wigs.

Speaking of Brenda and Keith - we all had Thanksgiving dinner at their house.  We have really become quite a modern family.  Keith spent all day cooking and they set up two tables to accommodate everyone.  The only problem with going somewhere else for Thanksgiving is that there are no leftovers for Turkey Terrifics after.  
I had some quality time with my favorite grand daughter. 
While Bill got some time in with his boys.
Friday night we went into the city to see Bill's pal Rakesh and his wife Lena.  This is the couple that got married in India a few years ago.  Now they are doing an assignment in the US for Bill's company.
After dinner we took a walk around Government Center and Quincy Market.  This shot cracks me up - what is Lena photographing - we're over here, Lena!!
Bill's brother from another mother.
Then Saturday night DiDi came over!!  We power Christmas shopped in town (for Small Business Saturday) and then hung out in front of the fire in our jammies.
In the morning we went out to breakfast at Mad Martha's - and shared a NY Times.  This is definitely a sign of our age (as if Anna Kendrick wasn't enough).  It used to be that everyone brought the newspaper to breakfast on Sunday.  We were the only ones this week.  
Cue the Christmas music - the holidays have officially begun!


didi said...

The geriatric set needs their glasses to enjoy the newspaper, too!

Fletch said...

Awesome post. All my favorite people (except Bill of course)!

harada57 said...
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