Friday, February 3, 2012

While Dr G was in Indianapolis....

My usual eye doctor got tickets to the Superbowl so my appointment today was with the senior partner of the eye firm.  He wore a pink paisley tie that I think Bill would have liked.  (And his exam room had high school pictures of his five kids on the wall that were clearly from the 80's in those plastic box frames.  Do they make those any more?  Who thought that was a good idea for decor?  You can see the white box backing through the sides of the frame.  The world has moved on from these, Sir.)

 Anyway, as expected, the verdict was progressive lenses (the 21st century euphemism for bifocals).  My nose isn't long enough to keep moving the old glasses down to read.  Since I'm pretty much a life long eye glass wearer, I'm fine with this.  I just want to read.
This is me with dilated pupils.  The senior partner was a little better at the blue-light-almost-touching-the-eyeball test than my usual guy AND he gave me an interesting peripheral vision test that I never had before.   I sat in a closet (seriously - they store the contact lenses in this room) with my head in a machine and an eye patch over one eye.  Instructions were to stare straight ahead and click the clicker when I saw the little green dot flash anywhere in the box.  Because I am only a few shades shy of Rainman status, I quickly realized that the dots were flashing in 10 sequences of 9 with a pause in between.  Once you realize that, you could click the clicker on the beat without even seeing the green dot if you wanted to.  But then we might not diagnose my tumor or cataract.  I played it straight and wound up with a perfect score (who's competitive?)

Enjoy the Superbowl, Dr. G, secure in the knowledge that my peripheral vision is top notch.  

Go Pats!!


Jen and Bill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
didi said...

Now i want to know what comment was removed! Who is more inappropriate than me?

Jen and Bill said...

I made a comment about Jen"s nose, not realizing she was saying the same thing... I missed the joke.