Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Serenity now...

This is my motto...really...ok, not usually, but I'm trying.  
We have a strange smell in the basement.  It actually smells like a fat sweaty man but we looked everywhere and we can't find him.  So we think it might be something to do with the water heater.  (Bill's post yesterday was that we got a new water heater but we didn't.  We got a new part to get us through to next week when we get a new water heater)  Anyway, I know that gas doesn't smell like a fat sweaty man but of course, once we called the plumber they told us to turn off the gas and they will come tomorrow.  So now we are back to no hot water and the smell of a fat sweaty man.  

Keep calm and carry on.


didi said...

I'm impressed you are sleeping in the house tonight, Jen!

Jennifer said...

I know!! I had Laura come over and smell my basement and convince me that the house would not explode over night. But I felt like I was growing a my own little way.

The update is that we got a new hot water heater today since they were coming anyway and had it in stock. They also cleaned out the trap in the basement sink and between that and the dehumidifier we seem to be back to normal. I am keeping calm and carrying on!!

amp said...

Luckily you have not seen the spoof version of that poster that cracked up Will & Daisy at Paper Source the other night. In the same type face, it reads: Freak out and panic.