Sunday, February 19, 2012

Jennie's the cutest - bar none

Jennie and I enjoyed a day in Brookline, eating lunch at The Regal Beagle.  You might remember that The Regal Beagle was where the Three's Company show used to hang for a drink.
Name what show the following bars were from:
* Kelcy's
* Moe's Tavern
* Bada Bing
* The Boars Nest


Mom said...

All in the Family (?), The Simpsons, The Sopranos, and I don't know the 4th one.

Jen and Bill said...

The Boars Nest was Dukes of Hazard. Obscure, I know.

amp said...

I love that photo effect. How did you do it?

Jen and Bill said...

photoshop elements... pink pen.....sketch......stamp