Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Good-Bye Davy! xoxo

Davy Jones died today.  He is my second celebrity boyfriend.  The first was Kurt Russell in his "Computer Wore Tennis Shoes" days - when he was 18, fresh faced, and wore a suit and tie in Disney movies.   Then came the Monkees.  I was too young at the time to know that the Monkees were a shabby marketing department copy of the Beatles.  Davy was small and cute - like one of my stuffed animals.  And he had a British accent (I was an anglophile at a very early age.)  Now put him on the Brady Bunch and you have 30 minutes of TOTAL JOY!!!  This is my absolute favorite Brady episode eclipsing even Doug Simpson ("Oh my nose!") and Natalie Schaefer (also known as Lovey Howell) as Bebe Gillespie ("I want a factory shaped like a powder puff!")

Watch Davy singing "Girl" while Marcia tries to get in to ask him to come to the school dance here:

Meanwhile, in the real world, it's finally snowing.  After a snow-free winter I'm actually enjoying this little storm.  


didi said...

I like to try and figure out who is writing the blog. Sometimes its easy and sometimes its hard. Once I got to the Brady Bunch, I knew it was Jen's blog. Jen Jen Jen (as in Marcia Marcia Marcia)

Jen and Bill said...

Ok, this is the funniest comment took you until the BRADY BUNCH to figure out that this was Jen and not Bill?? The fact that the writer's first (of many) celebrity boyfriends was Kurt Russell wasn't a tip off in any way?? I love that!! (This is Jen, by the way)

Jen and Bill said...

thanks a bunch (brady bunch) Di Di....