Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Good-Bye Davy! xoxo

Davy Jones died today.  He is my second celebrity boyfriend.  The first was Kurt Russell in his "Computer Wore Tennis Shoes" days - when he was 18, fresh faced, and wore a suit and tie in Disney movies.   Then came the Monkees.  I was too young at the time to know that the Monkees were a shabby marketing department copy of the Beatles.  Davy was small and cute - like one of my stuffed animals.  And he had a British accent (I was an anglophile at a very early age.)  Now put him on the Brady Bunch and you have 30 minutes of TOTAL JOY!!!  This is my absolute favorite Brady episode eclipsing even Doug Simpson ("Oh my nose!") and Natalie Schaefer (also known as Lovey Howell) as Bebe Gillespie ("I want a factory shaped like a powder puff!")

Watch Davy singing "Girl" while Marcia tries to get in to ask him to come to the school dance here:

Meanwhile, in the real world, it's finally snowing.  After a snow-free winter I'm actually enjoying this little storm.  

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pandering to Mother E

Jennie enjoys her cheese much more when she wears a rat suit.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Oscar After Party

Left over from the Oscar Party.
Claire Danes, Gwyneth Paltrow and I share a cuddle.  By this time in the night I was deep into my drunkabout.  
I was able to get rid of Beckham in an elaborate plot to get closer to the great Tom Cruise.  Alas, it wasn't worth it because Victoria is a top shelf bitch.  She gave me a headache.  
Sorry Tom.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oscars come to Atwood

Tiara's were out in full force for the 2012 Oscars.
We are typing this prior to the winners being announced, so here are Jen's predictions:
Best Picture - The Artist
Best Actor - George Clooney
Best Actress - Meryl Streep
Best Supporting Actor - Christopher Plummer
Best Supporting Actress - Octavia Spencer

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Midwinter Tales for Sale

Tonight was our festival fundraiser - Midwinter Tales:  Stories and Supper at the home of Beth W (blog readers may recognize her as our NYC apartment connection). We had authors read and fed everyone chili, soup, salad and dessert.   Sales were shaky at first but we wound up filling the house.   I thought we were off to a bad start when the first guest to arrive fell down some stairs but luckily she wasn't hurt and we managed to get her vertical before the next guest arrived.  

Friday, February 24, 2012

Self Loathing Week

This was my favorite Matchbox car.  You can see the wear on it from the battles it used to dominate with the other inferior Matchboxes.
What is significant about this kick ass Matchbox car is that when I received it as a Christmas present one year I cried.  I don't remember what the big gift I wanted was, but I know it wasn't the loop to loop Matchbox set I received.  I remember thanking my parents then quietly going off to my room to cry about the gift I didn't receive.  What a dick kid I was.
For the second night in a row the blog has been replaced with "reasons I hate myself".

Thursday, February 23, 2012

mini Bret

When the kids were little we made little stuffed replicas of each of them.  This is little Bret.  You can't see his tinfoil braces and his blonde streaked hair.  I had blonde streaks put in both kids one time we went to get haircuts because I had done the same thing and I wanted them to be like me.
I found out recently that Bret's friend, Jen, who he later would have two beautiful kids with, made fun of his hair mercilessly.  I felt like shit about that.  Someday I'll pull the yellow yarn out of little Bret's hair.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Serenity now...

This is my motto...really...ok, not usually, but I'm trying.  
We have a strange smell in the basement.  It actually smells like a fat sweaty man but we looked everywhere and we can't find him.  So we think it might be something to do with the water heater.  (Bill's post yesterday was that we got a new water heater but we didn't.  We got a new part to get us through to next week when we get a new water heater)  Anyway, I know that gas doesn't smell like a fat sweaty man but of course, once we called the plumber they told us to turn off the gas and they will come tomorrow.  So now we are back to no hot water and the smell of a fat sweaty man.  

Keep calm and carry on.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Still glowing despite it all

Today feels very Mondayish.  More Mondayish than most Mondays.
Part of it was that I stayed up late drinking and smoking on Monday night.  Part of it was that it was a tough day at work.  Part of it was that it seemed, judging by traffic and our work parking lot, that everyone else had the day off.  Part of it was that we had to replace our water heater and I had to take an ice cold shower today.
But really, these are the problems of someone without any problems.
I'm all better now.

Monday, February 20, 2012

First Lady

It's a long weekend for some, but for the diligent festival planning committee it's just another work night.  In my reminder about tonight's festival meeting I suggested that everyone come as their favorite President.  Rhina went one better and arrived as Martha Washington (looking pretty pissed off at George - perhaps she got one too many splinters from those wooden teeth?)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Jennie's the cutest - bar none

Jennie and I enjoyed a day in Brookline, eating lunch at The Regal Beagle.  You might remember that The Regal Beagle was where the Three's Company show used to hang for a drink.
Name what show the following bars were from:
* Kelcy's
* Moe's Tavern
* Bada Bing
* The Boars Nest

Carousing in Cambridge

Out with the usual suspects - Stacey, Dave, and Di.  Much talk about Bill's velvet jacket and his scotch-drinking sophisticated look.  Dave, on the other hand, ordered a drink called the "Baby Doll".  
Meanwhile, the girls were yucking it up.  The night ended with a series of pantomime suicides that probably had the surrounding tables very curious.  

Friday, February 17, 2012

The paparazzi loves four eyes Jen

Sometimes we take for granted that everyone understands we post a picture on our blog every day.  So when someone is baffled why a guy is taking pictures of a customer it surprises us.  Jennie has new glasses.  They're very hip.
But the best part of the story is the eye glass dude who asked Jen "Really, why did he just take your picture?"

Thursday, February 16, 2012

This is not a picture of Martha

Every time I host bookclub you get a picture of me holding court at the dining room table.  The girls are wise to our ways now and all lean back out of the picture when Bill comes in with the camera.  I seem to be the only one who thrives on film. 

Martha in particular did not want to be in the photo and yet...

Tonight was the first night of our new book selection process.  As the hostess, I had to bring three options to the table to choose for next month.  While the first two books were deemed acceptable choices, the third was the hands down winner - Before I Go To Sleep by S.J. Watson. I barely got the word "thriller" out of my mouth before everyone was voting for it.  Hopefully they don't think it's the life story of Michael Jackson.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Vampire Weekday

This is what Bill would look like if he were a vampire - white and pasty with evil eyes and a beer.  Vampires love beer.
Allen was in town so I talked Bill into meet us for a drink.  Who is Allen you ask?  He started at Rational just before we did and knew Bill well from his days as the colorful HR guy for the sales team (and I don't just mean his shirts).
Now Allen works for Services with me.  I can't blog about anything we talked about since we agreed we were under a Cone of Silence. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentines Day to Jennie and I.
We had a great dinner at Enzo (Jen had a memorable brussel sprout salad).  A spirited discussion about "The Art of Fielding" ensued.  We talked about people who suffer from depression, our next vacation and about work.  Basically we talked about life and even though we didn't say it out loud what was really being said was that we're happy we have each other in our lives.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Upstairs Downstairs

While the ladies of the NPPS are watching Downton Abbey "upstairs", this is what was going on in the servants' hall.    No doubt there is much intrigue and mayhem brewing beneath this calm exterior.

(Credit: Christin for creative input)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Grandkid Sunday

Look who came over today....!
Wyatte and Malikai joined us for the day.  We discovered the Children's Museum in Dover, New Hampshire.  On line it looked a little lame and I had visions of Story Land.  Story Land is a concrete hell of a park.  I hope to all that is holy that it has improved since I've been there with my adult aged boys.  I take that back.  I hope that spot in the road park is still just as shitty so that future generations can feel the pain and suffering I went through.

But the good news is that this museum was NOT Story Land.  

The boys didn't enjoy when we renamed them, picking our own pronunciations for their real names.  Malikai became Maleeki and Wyatte became Why-ate.  Jennie and I thought it was funny until they really got mad and we had to stop.

 Wyatte said to Malikai, "When you were a baby you were so small you were like a stuffed animal".

The kids got to celebrate another Christmas as we still had gifts to give them from Nanny Entwistle.  I held up a painting of her so they'd know who we meant. 
As I was hugging Wyatte goodnight he said "My nipple hurts because it was cut with a sword."  I didnt bother asking for any context.  The quote was perfect as is.

It was a perfect day with our grandkids....they get funner every time we see them...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

She forgives Woody but not Tom Cruise?

Jennie wanted to rematch her favorite movie of 2011, "Midnight in Paris".
She loves everything about this movie.  I get bogged down by watching Owen Wilson deliver Woody Allen's lines.  I worry that Woody will have Owen star in a dozen more movies like the sequel to "Sleeper", "Still Sleeping".  Or "Play it again, and again, and again, Sam" or ... never mind, I'll quit while I am behind....

Friday, February 10, 2012

Video Killed The Radio Star

Bill and I thought we were taking a picture at the bar tonight but turns out we were taking a video.  Oops. Now we know how to make a video!  (A technique bound to be used in future blog posts)

It's really quite a dull video since we were posing for a photo.  Still it's a novelty so I'm posting it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Failed recruiting effort

Jennie has been recruiting for more members for her Newburyport Period Piece Movie Watchers Club.  These two were originally voted in due to Bill's enthusiastic thumbs up.  Bill wouldn't have a vote normally but Jen saw how excited he was at the girl's ability to roll a cigar the size of a baby's arm.
Unfortunately their tenure at the NPPS was short lived.  They were voted out when one of them kept calling Little Dorrit, "Little Whoritt", while the other one had relentless gas.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sashay Away

Tuesday morning Bill realized that he had a business overnighter in Boston last night.  ( I gullible??)   This is the view from his room at the Logan Hyatt. Not too shabby.
 To celebrate his return, we went out to dinner and although we vowed not to post pictures of our food, we rebelled and took this shot.  My plate was so pretty with the red farro and monkfish in a saffron sauce. Yum!!! 
Just overheard on Bill's laptop:  "Previously, on RuPaul's Drag Race....."  Instead of "The tribe has spoken" RuPaul eliminates the girls with "Sashay away..."  Lip Synch For Your Life is my favor segment.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Once every 7 weeks

I know...everyone gets their hair cut - big deal.  But for me, the real treat is the blow dry.  When I do it myself I can sometimes get the front and sides to look halfway decent but the back?  Forget it!!  So when the back is dried with precision,  I have to relish it.  Plus I like this sort of freakish picture with me in the foreground and the other me in the mirror.   Which is the real me???

Monday, February 6, 2012

scotch and a mixed tape

Tonight the group I've been working with the last few months gave me a little going away party.  I go back to my old job next week.  They bought me some scotch and made me a funny mixed tape.
I loved it.  How often before you die do people say they will miss you?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Almost too pissed to post

Before the big game I went to the beach to mediate (i.e. have a cigar)
We watched the game with Mom and Laura.  Mom and I are cocky pre-kickoff.
I'm wearing my anti-crying glasses for good luck.  (they actually are anti-crying glasses; meant to keep the smell of an onion from tearing you up.  A gift from Doug and Marge.)

After another brutal Superbowl loss there were no pictures in our house.  Photographers tried, all they got was a hand.

Happy Birthday Lisa!

We gathered last night to give Lisa a little lovin'.  We wore Lisa pins, Daniele bought a cake, Lisa made her own ice cream (due to Steve's custard shipping fiasco - a good idea gone awry) and Bill whipped his photoshop skills into a frenzy to help me create a little picture book commemorating some random moments in Lisa's life (Lisa in Pride & Prejudice, Lisa as Kathy Bates in Misery, etc).  While I promised not to post the various tongue photos from the night, we all need to keep in mind that the happy event photos of today are the photoshop nightmares of tomorrow.

Much discussion around a boys weekend and a girls weekend (while the opposites babysit).  The boys were having a very hard time coming up with a destination and schedule of events (Skiing up north? bobsledding in Lake Placid?  Golfing anywhere? Gambling in Atlantic City) and by the end of the night I still wasn't sure where they stood.  The girls took about 12 seconds to agree on a trip to NYC.  Will it happen?  Stay tuned....

Friday, February 3, 2012

While Dr G was in Indianapolis....

My usual eye doctor got tickets to the Superbowl so my appointment today was with the senior partner of the eye firm.  He wore a pink paisley tie that I think Bill would have liked.  (And his exam room had high school pictures of his five kids on the wall that were clearly from the 80's in those plastic box frames.  Do they make those any more?  Who thought that was a good idea for decor?  You can see the white box backing through the sides of the frame.  The world has moved on from these, Sir.)

 Anyway, as expected, the verdict was progressive lenses (the 21st century euphemism for bifocals).  My nose isn't long enough to keep moving the old glasses down to read.  Since I'm pretty much a life long eye glass wearer, I'm fine with this.  I just want to read.
This is me with dilated pupils.  The senior partner was a little better at the blue-light-almost-touching-the-eyeball test than my usual guy AND he gave me an interesting peripheral vision test that I never had before.   I sat in a closet (seriously - they store the contact lenses in this room) with my head in a machine and an eye patch over one eye.  Instructions were to stare straight ahead and click the clicker when I saw the little green dot flash anywhere in the box.  Because I am only a few shades shy of Rainman status, I quickly realized that the dots were flashing in 10 sequences of 9 with a pause in between.  Once you realize that, you could click the clicker on the beat without even seeing the green dot if you wanted to.  But then we might not diagnose my tumor or cataract.  I played it straight and wound up with a perfect score (who's competitive?)

Enjoy the Superbowl, Dr. G, secure in the knowledge that my peripheral vision is top notch.  

Go Pats!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Celtic Pride

In the 80's I was a die hard Celtics fan.  I watched the games, I saved news clippings, I made collages.  My enthusiasm waned with the departure of Larry Bird and I moved on to other things (boys).   Because Bill is such a fabulous employee, we got free tix to a Celtics game last night.  I will admit publicly that I was a little whiny about it ("I'm tired, there might be traffic, boo hoo") but once I got there I was so glad Bill convinced me to go.  It was a gorgeous night, we had a delicious dinner in the North End, and we watched the Celtics beat the Raptors.  What's there to whine about?