Sunday, August 21, 2011

Paradise Found (well, not quite, but not too shabby)

Today is a shining example of how being Newburyport snobs has sheltered us. We've shunned all New Hampshire destinations in between NBPT and Portsmouth, NH. Our belief is that it only contained the bizarre and scary. We've been under the impression that it was all just like Seebrook, where a redneck could obtain porn, fireworks, tattoos and fireworks in a one stop white trash binge.

Au contraire.
We found Rye, New Hampshire today. Fun. Pretty. Rich mansions.
Who knew?
Jen enjoying her Jengria at Ray's Seafood.
Then we rode old Route 1 back to Newburyport through Hampton. Hampton Beach is another place we've mistakenly labeled. It is certainly a freak show. But a fun freak show we plan on returning to.
Of course there is no place like home, so we capped our excursion with tea on our deck and a movie tonight at The Screening Room.

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