Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Come back to the blog!!!

Aaron confessed at dinner tonight that he no longer reads our blog. Once our only follower, Aaron felt edged out when the comment section started to get popular. Whitney then said, "Well, your year ended - are you still doing it?" Obviously she doesn't have us bookmarked for a diversion during long, boring con calls.

So this is our pitch to win them back - a starring role in the latest post looking happy after a meal of tapas at the trendy Tico. Daisy even made a special guest appearance. How could you not want to read this every day?


amp said...

Daisy rules! Okay, I'm back. And thanks for coming to dinner on such a rainy night! I fell asleep dreaming about tacos...

didi said...

Cute family! But will the blog be featured in the Southe Street Newsletter?

amp said...

The South St Journal is only published daily fro about July 1 to July 20, while the kids are at camp, so it's a blessed (if you're the writer and publisher) or sorrowful 11 and 1/4 month hiatus right now. But there was talk of pre-writing some of next year's issues. If so, that's definitely a cover shot!