Wednesday, June 1, 2011

With Honors

Tonight was award night at Ipswich High.  Joey walked away with several but when I just asked him which ones all he could tell me was "the presidential thing....and something about SATs....."   

Student Athlete and Citizenship are on his award resume as well as High Honors.  We were a little disappointed that he didn't get the $100 for best attendance.  Damn you, strep throat!

I know many of our readers celebrated one of Joey's early birthdays playing laser tag - look at him now! 


Jennifer said...

Word on the street was that there was a problem adding this is a test. I will add to my post that we are having a day full of weather! A tornado watch and an incredible lightening show greeted us as we left the high school. I also wanted to add some humorous awards that Joey might have won if we ruled Ipswich High but Bill said all my suggestions were too embarrassing for Joey and/or the family.

Jen and Bill said...

Jen spent half the night whispering to me how she would improve the program. "Who is there project manager!"

Susan said...

Congrats to Joey! I was there at that laser tag event oh so many years ago. It was a ton of fun, and it seems like just last week (sort of). Where does the time go?