Sunday, June 5, 2011

Congratulations Joey!!

It's a big day for us today.  Joey donned cap and gown and was handed a teeny tiny diploma (seriously, its only 3x5 in a black folder.  I assume this is a big money saver for Ipswich High??) and was officially pronounced "Educated".  The speeches at the ceremony all talked about what a good class this group of students has been and I believe the hype.  Joey has had a great high school experience with really good friends, lots of group activities, and plenty of school spirit.  I usually leave it to Bill to get sentimental on the blog, but I'm so proud of Joey and I have to admit I'm pretty sad to think of him leaving in the fall.  What were we thinking when we talked him in to Seattle??    I know that no matter where he goes, Il Dominatore will be a star!

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