Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dingle Peninsula

Dingle Peninsula seems to be the most western point in Ireland. So after lunch we decided to drive Slea Head which is the loop drive of the outermost point....WOW!

Here is a shot of the drive and the landscape with all the little stone walls dividing up the land. Most of the little plots have sheep grazing. The road doesn't look wide enough for two cars, does it?

Of course the real spectacular view is over the water.

This is a shot looking back at the road which I think was the farthest point west. Its a little hard to tell where the road is vs the stone walls but it's just below those white houses.

The sunset was gorgeous but then it gets dark quickly and Bill and I started to get nervous that we took a wrong turn since all the signs were in Gaelic. We are the only people who can get lost on a loop road! We made it back to Dingle town without incident and rushed in to blog for our readership.

1 comment:

didi said...

Looks like you guys are having a blast. Love Bill's sweater! Aren't all the painted houses beautiful? I can't believe it took you this long to make dingle jokes. Miss you!
P.S. Keep your eye out for a pink wool hat for me, will ya? :)