Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tuesday Trivia

It's time for trivia!  
And this week we had more of Bill's family joining us…Katherine (the sister), Toby (the bear) and Trudi (the mother).  I'll tell you right up front - we didn't win.  We needed Pretty Deanna in order to score the coveted first place.  But we didn't stink either.  We were in a decent place near the top until the last two questions where we bet the farm and lost.
Basically the night was about eating, playing, and making faces.

Bill's acting challenges were to have one person scolding another….

...jazz hands...
...and imaginary crazy drumstick spinning.  
Bill is clearly wasted on HR. This bucket-banger should be hitting the tubs!  
(I googled drum slang.)

What movie did Elizabeth Shue win an Oscar for Best Leading Actress in 1996?  
What Canadian province is home to Ottowa? 
What was the word used in the British version of the the first Harry Potter instead of "Sorcerer's"?  
On the banks of the river Clyde, what is Scotland's most populous city? 
What are the only 2 names use by kings of England in the 20th century? 
In what country was a US student caned in 1996 for vandalism? 
Who was the author of the essay Civil Disobedience in 1849? 
At 93 years and 165 days - who is the longest living US president?

What movie did Elizabeth Shue win an Oscar for Best Leading Actress in 1996?  
Leaving Las Vegas
What Canadian province is home to Ottowa?  Ontario
What was the word used in the British version of the the first Harry Potter instead of Sorcerer's?  Philosopher's
On the banks of the river Clyde, what is Scotland's most populous city?  Glasgow
What are the only 2 names use by kings of England in the 20th century?  Edward and George
In what country was a US student caned in 1996 for vandalism?  Singapore
Who was the author of the essay Civil Disobedience in 1849?  Henry David Thoreau
At 93 years and 165 days - who is the longest living US president?  Gerald Ford

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