Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reader(s) - need your input....

Head on stick update.  I'm still freaking out the I.T. department, who nervously jump whenever they look at the heads sticking above my cube.  If our neighbor knew that the picture of her she hated so much was on display at my work she'd hurt me.

Totally random point I need your help on.  Whenever Jen touches my bum (she'll give it a poke if I'm walking up the stairs ahead of her), I'll say "your nose is cold".  She hates this.  Because it drives her crazy I keep saying it.  Can someone comment whether they think it a witty comment or not, please?  I'll follow your vote and stop saying it if our following (Diane... Mom....) tells me it isn't funny.


Mom said...

Sounds funny to me.

Fletch said...

Probably funny the first 10 times you've said it. Now, not so much.

didi said...

One vote for funny. One vote for not so much. My vote? Annoying Jen is ALWAYS funny. On another note, perhaps your coworkers would prefer an ode-to-Pete series of heads when they come visit?

chi said...


mcgann said...

funnier then most of your other comments. the alternative could be a lot worse.