Monday, August 16, 2010

It's a Dilbert World

The view from Big Blue. Jen's seat in the cubicle farm. This is where I toil.

I want to specifically point out....the waffle picture (see earlier waffle post). Next to it is the calendar Bill made for me last Christmas. Each month represents one of my favorite books/authors with a "loved by all" picture of me inserted into the mix. This is a conversation starter for most people who walk by my cube.

And finally, words of British wisdom. If the waffle doesn't get me through the day, the queen will.


didi said...

oh, this is not at all what I pictured your cube to look like. despite your little touches (which are adorable and very you), it's still pretty sterile. is there room for you to take a nap under your desk at least?

Jen and Bill said...

Just remember, IBM has a clean desk policy and does random deck checks. So we are programed to keep everything off the desk and locked up. Plenty of people have more decorations than I do (and thats allowed) but I like to just highlight my few chosen pieces. One thing I didn't photograph was my 3D shadowbox collage that Bill made of Petey and me on the red carpet. I'll have to save that for another (desperate) blog post!