Thursday, August 12, 2010

In Search of the Top 5 Waffles

I love waffles. Not the doughy kind you have for breakfast but the crispy sugar waffles that make for the perfect tea snack. These are not easy to come by and I have an 8 year history of tracking down these delicious treats.
#1 Best waffle moment - Windsor England 2002. Bill took a picture of me and my waffle so I will always remember the moment I discovered this tasty treat. I still have the shirt I was wearing and may never part with it due to it's association with waffle moment #1.
Waffle #2 - Paris on a bench at the base of the Eiffel Tower. I have a blown up picture of the monkeys sitting with my waffle at my desk at work. When things get hectic I can just think pack to the Paris waffle.
Waffle #3 - Le Pain Quotidien in NYC. The first time was last October when we came to NY to see John Irving and stopped to get tea before the show. The second time was earlier today at the LPQ near our holiday apartment. I don't think I should count this as more than one since the source is actually a chain so I can be fairly secure in the knowledge that it will be the same each time.
Waffle #s 4 & 5 are still in the making. Whole Foods does sell a packaged waffle that can almost help me through a drought but let's be real - it's not the same! It needs to be brought to me toasty warm with powdered sugar. Preferably by someone with a foreign accent. Not unwrapped from cellophane by my own hands.
Oh, Waffles 4 & 5, I eagerly await your acquaintance!

1 comment:

Jen and Bill said...

This is an excellent waffle post. I witnessed the waffle joy and can attest that, in my opinion, no one has ever appreciated the waffle like my jennifer.