Sunday, May 31, 2015

NYC Part Two - Art

The Whitney Museum just opened at the start of the High Line in the meatpacking district.  
This replica of the artist had autobiographical statements written all over it such as the intersesting tidbit that Indian penises are colorful.  Somehow I doubt that they tend to be yellow, orange and blue.
I was strangely drawn to this tapestry of discarded stuffed animals and soft dolls.

A tower of televisions created a kaleidoscope of color and pattern.



A circus made mostly of wire.
Lights in the stairwell.
While we did enjoy half of the art (and didn't understand the other half) the best part was really the outside terraces overlooking the High Line and the Hudson.

I look like I'm happy but I was nervous.  Some of the areas jut out without any suspension and the platforms were metal grates with openings that you can see through as you stand many flights above the ground. Nerve wracking at times but I did go out on every level to check out the view.  Why am I more afraid of heights as I get older? And to think that I have enjoyed a hot air balloon ride over mountains in Colorado!  That's even higher…in a basket…held aloft by air!  Nonsensical.

At one point we looked down on a line that was forming around the block.  It turns out that every Friday night after 7:00 you can pay at will rather than the $22 per person price tag we paid at 6:00pm.  

Of all our shots, this is my favorite.  Looks like someone wasn't enjoying the art nor the view.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Quiz Night ... sans Jennifer

 Weak Sauce lived up to our name this week, finishing fifth from the bottom.
Jen was missed.  Christin and Denise were also missed.
But we had a great time nonetheless.

Joey and Allie.

Bret and Zoe.

 And Joey's buddy and family friend Derek made it too!

 We stunk with the quiz questions so we broke off into our own games.

 Derek made an excellent contribution to our mediocre showing.
His Lenny Kravitz answer was a highlight.  Who knows what the question was.
 The anti-British sentiment will be noted and punished.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

NYC Part One

Bill and I hit NYC for the long weekend. 
Just out our front door we ran into this Fabbie window! The girls are with us in spirit.
Meanwhile Bill saw this penguin driving an owl…I'm not sure who is with him in spirit.

We stayed in the East Village near Washington Square Park.  Every time I see the arch I think of Sally dropping Harry off saying "Too bad, because you were the only person I know in New York."  i wonder if I put that in the blog the last time we were in NYC.

I went to the Strand. I bought a hat.  We went to the park.

Bill and I tried to become regulars at the pub below our flat.
I think Bill looks like a movie star in this picture.
The pub was called Swifts for Jonathan Swift.  I realized I don't know much about Swift other than he wrote Gulliver's Travels but when I googled him it was clear he was a pretty busy guy.
"May you live all the days of your life."  That was him.
While in the pub we watched a guy play his girlfriend's ass like a bongo.  It's too bad that this grainy shot isn't a video.  He had quite a beat going.
The second night we had tickets to see Skylight with Bill Nighy and Carrie Mulligan.  We had tickets in London but I accidentally bought matinee tickets and we had to work so we gave them to Ann-Maria.  Turns out it was well worth the wait.  Brilliant!
After the show we stumbled into a crowd that seemed to be waiting for someone….

Helen Mirren!!  Hi Helen!

It was nice to see the Brits on Broadway.
We followed it up with some southern BBQ.
After dinner the waitress had to chase and stomp on a cockroach in the middle of the tiny restaurant.  Ahh….urban living.

Speaking of vermin, an artist set up a great display of felt pigeons and rats in the part.  Pigeons were on sale for $40, rats were $80.  Sorry Mom, it was a little steep for a little felt and stuffing even if it was pretty darn cute. 

I wonder how much she'd charge for the pretzel.