Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Catch Up #2 (The Christmas Party)

The house is decorated, trays of apps are in the oven, beer in the fridge, a fire in the stove…it must be time for a Christmas Party!!!!!

This year's special event - - Photo Booth!  Bill set up an area with hats and props and our camera for everyone to dress up and take pics.
Here are some classics:
Jen and Brian (circa 1972?)
Dan as Marie Antoinette's spinster aunt.
Dan and Bill as Hercule Poirot and his mustache challenged side kick.
Sue and Steve's first year at the party but they seemed to fit right in!
The bro-mance continues for Bill and Earle
At the end of the night Lisa tried to get a mustache to stick to Bill's mustache.
Lisa and Betty
My favorite:
We took some pictures without props as well - - like the old Chester Road trio!  That's right - Jeff actually attended!!
If Jessica and I ever get engaged we might use this shot for our announcement.
I love this picture of Bill and Pam.  They'd make a cute couple!
This one cracks me up too.  Clearly Bill was prodding me in some way….but I managed to keep my picture face on.
How do you like that fur collared vest? I was doing Cher imitations all night.  

The Fabbie Foursome!!!  Dawn, Chris, Me (with Miles) and Jana.  
There are so many more pictures that I'll have to do another post just to get everyone in.  
The good news is that no one wet their pants at my party….that I'm aware of.


didi said...

Great party, great pics...we all sure like our black & browns, huh?

amp said...

My soggy underpants not withstanding, we're looking forward to pics part II

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