Monday, March 22, 2010

Not running for office

I read up about the Health Care Bill debate. I was disturbed by the quid pro quo. Dude from California supposedly received a promise of more Federal sponsored water for his district if he changed his vote. A Chick in Texas was looking for increased NASA funding; another clown in Chicago wanted to influence immigration, etc, etc. This is why I would get ground up like Steve Buschemi in the wood chipper if I were ever in politics.
"Come on, guys. Let's stop this arguing. Can't we just vote on the bill in front of us?" It would be like this baboon and flamingo.
I'd make Jimmy Carter look like Mao Tse-tung.
I hate politics.

1 comment:

Jen and Bill said...

I'm sort of proud of you for bringing up such a relevant political topic. Although I assume that even when we look back on this in 30 years with Altzheimers that we will know we didn't REALLY know anything about this healthcare thingamabob. Photo shop makes us look politically savvy and timely!