Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Financial Aid Night at Ipswich High

Bill takes it for the team and sits through a session on the ins and outs of college admissions while Joey plays Volleyball and Jen watches TV back home on the couch. If you could do it all over again would you go to the same school? Would you study the same subject?
I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam: I looked into the soul of another boy.
-Woody Allen


Jen and Bill said...

I would live at the school this time. I would try every experience at least once. I would sleep around. I would haze freshman. I would kidnap the animal mascot of the opposing college. I would live larger than anyone had a right to.
(in reality I'd probably go to the University of Phoenix online and never leave my bed.)

amp said...

It's hard to re-imagine my college experience which in retrospect was entirely irrelevant to my great life now except for the left-handed chick who lived across the hall from me freshman year. I guess I could change everything as long as I still got to live across the hall from her :)

Jen and Bill said...

I guess if I did any better in college I would have gotten a better job than "production manager" (aka order taker and shipper) at Centerline Software where I met Bill. So it all worked out for the best that I goofed off, got mediocre grades and was overall unambitious.