Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wyatte's second birthday

Wyatte's second birthday was a rousing success. It was fantastic to see him with his little friends and Jen and Bret did a great job pulling it all together. I particularly enjoyed torturing their friends with the whoopie cushion.

Wyatte looking slick in his hat.
Wyatte enjoying bubbles shortly after destroying the glass in my sunglasses
Malikai was giving me this look all day long.... like I was freaking him out. Stop looking at me like that, Malikai....
Yummmm..... cake....
The proud parents of their birthday boy.

By 8:00 everyone was wiped out. I always forget how tiring little kids are.
We had a great day...


amp said...

It's Whitney -- nice photos! Such super cuties. I remember Jen saying around the time of Jen and Bret's baby shower -- "you know in three years we'll have an adorable 2 year old running around and it will be lots of fun." And here you are! love you. W

Jen and Bill said...

I was like a wise old sage, predicting the joys of toddler-hood. Now if only they would cut his hair...