Friday, April 30, 2010

Never work with children or animals...

I'm clearly upstaged by Dewey and her adorable smile!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Don't be jealous of our bed....

It's more of a studying tea.....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

fun at work....

SCENES FROM THE OFFICES OF KRONOS..... stacked chairs ..... forksknivesspoons.....
I was asked "why are you taking pictures of the fork, knives and spoons?"
I answered, "I don't know".

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jen's bulletin board

Find the merkin picture ...

Monday, April 26, 2010

smarter than the average squirrel

We moved the birdfeeders so that the squirrels couldn't get at them.
Of course the birds need GPS to find them now, but when the occasional bird trips over our feeders we're there to take a picture of it.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

As Marcia Brady would say...

"Oh my nose!!!"

What is next for Joey? Botox and a butt lift? No, it's not plastic surgery - Joey had his nose rebroken this week to fix the break he sustained in a basketball game this winter. He took it like a trooper watching 10 dvds all week including the classic, Paul Blart Mall Cop.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Festivus for the rest of us

What if Jen had a festival and nobody came?
Well, that didn't happen. World famous authors told Jen that this was the best festival they've been to.

"Don't frighten me like that", says Vickie

Thursday, April 22, 2010

mani sans pedi

The hands are ready to festival but the feet will need coverage. Where is my husband when I need him? ( watching roadrunners mate on the golf course, that's where!)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Will work for books

We're cute, we're crazy and we're puttin' on a Lit Fest! 48 hours to show time!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bill on the road again

Me in Scottsdale.
Got a chance to golf after work today. I shot pretty well.
And I witnessed two roadrunners having sex. It was the highlight of my round.
After the male finished his business he did two laps around the female then ran over to me and spread his wings at me. I am a threat to male roadrunners....

Monday, April 19, 2010

It takes a village

Behold, the Newburyport Literary Festival steering committee!!! Nine gorgeous and fascinating ladies who work all year to pull off the greatest weekend known to the literary world. Tonight Vicki demonstrated what it looks like when a couple of abatrosses make out. It wasn't pretty.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

He measures up

My baby is going to the prom.....

My baby is also 6'1" and weighs 170 and is out at Hooters with 4 females friends from school.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Jennie lights up the library

blowin' smoke up your ash

Bill has a banner day - 2 beers at lunch and the longest ash of his cigar smoking career. Shortly after this photo was taken, it started to canoe and crumbled on to State Street. (yes, "canoe" is a real expression...although I learned it in reference to a joint, not a cigar)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Home is the place where people get you

Bill returned home after a week where he had to fire a guy for falsifying records, talk to a manager about having an affair with one of his employees and tell one of his work drinking buddies that he's going on a performance plan.

While I was gone Jennie was interviewed by the paper and was on the radio promoting the Literary Festival, Joey got all A's on his report card and Petey did what queen's of the universe do .... had a spa treatment.

It's so good to be home....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's hard to photograph yourself sleeping

Bill has been away all week so I wanted to remind him that his beautiful wife is at home waiting for him....who wouldn't be homesick for this???



Got it...zzzzzzzzz.....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Literary Luncheon

Jen attended a "Saturday Salon" today (Wednesday) at the Omni Parker House - A literary luncheon in the tradition of Thoreau. I had business card envy since all I had to offer was my work business card - so crass! Looks like the new trend for first time authors is to put the cover of your book on your card but I think that screams "freshman". Oh why aren't I one of the cool lit world girls?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dickens and Dogs (aka My Mutual Friends)

No dvd night would be complete without Ichi and Archie (and wine).

Monday, April 12, 2010

Greetings from Newburyport

Tonight's post is brought to you by Petey and her gang of monkeys. It's definitely not at much fun around here with just the red head. They miss the guy in the funny hat.
(Peabody asks if you've submitted your expenses yet?)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hannibal's protege'

We were wondering why Malikai took a liking to fava beans....

a glimpse of things to come

This is what life will be like with a deck...except we will actually have a deck. And a chair. And we won't have to crawl through the window. But there will be smoking, I have no doubt about that.

Wyatte's second birthday

Wyatte's second birthday was a rousing success. It was fantastic to see him with his little friends and Jen and Bret did a great job pulling it all together. I particularly enjoyed torturing their friends with the whoopie cushion.

Wyatte looking slick in his hat.
Wyatte enjoying bubbles shortly after destroying the glass in my sunglasses
Malikai was giving me this look all day long.... like I was freaking him out. Stop looking at me like that, Malikai....
Yummmm..... cake....
The proud parents of their birthday boy.

By 8:00 everyone was wiped out. I always forget how tiring little kids are.
We had a great day...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Busy at the Bee

Jen was elected as a pronouncer for the second straight year at the Newburyport Education Foundation Spelling Bee. Here she shows her pronunciation prowess with "cabana".
It's not quite a well regulated bee, as team can buy their way to victory. Similar to the Yankees, I'd say.
Neighbor Debbie Szabo said if she lost she knows where Pronouncer Jen lives. Debbie, a multi-year champion, takes her bee a bit too seriously.
Jennie hopes to parlay her success in the NBPT bee to a career on Broadway.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

from wreck to deck

Won't this view be fantastic from our future new deck?
The church is really beautiful, especially when lit at night.
Below is the view of our weeping cherry in full bloom.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

He couldn't ad-lib a fart after a baked-bean dinner

Monkey liquors up Trudie in hopes of getting at her plate of beans.....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

equal opportunity Diva....

The Paparazzi follow Jennie as she shops for Coke for Bill. They love her because she's always up for a photo op.
"Meez Jeeniver, smile, preety gurl..."
"Dats it, Baby. Strut yooz stuff..."

Jennie discriminates against no camera....

Monday, April 5, 2010

I think that I shall never see

...a poem as lovely as my tree. Unfortunately the real poem gets into some unnecessary God verse but the thing about the tree being better than the poem is right on.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

NBPT Lit Fest is her mistress

A couple of more weeks before the Newburyport Literary Festival.
It will be nice to get my wife back....
I miss her....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I love you, man

In his quest for male companionship, Bill started chatting up the aged hippie who got off his bike to see what Bill was painting in the yard. One cigar and a bag of chew later - bosom buddies.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Wanted - River views, near Pizza Factory

Jen said she'd trade our house for this Amesbury cottage on the Merrimac.
I don't think I would. Despite the fact that this house had amazing views I would have a hard time trading in our walk to town for Pizza night.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

English Period Movie Nerds

jen had christin and denise over for English Period movie night....