Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Note the use of the word "misguided"

I found this description about the superstition of putting your hat on the bed. Jennie will burn my hats after reading the last sentence.

"While a bit unclear of its exact origin, it seems the expression comes from a time when people believed that evil spirits lived in the hair. This misguided notion was likely fueled from the static electricity that would discharge in the air when taking a hat off in a warm, dry environment. So goes the superstition, don’t lay your hat where you’re going to lay your head because evil spirits spill out from hats. Of course this doesn’t make much sense. But then again, superstitions seldom do. Another twist on this misguided notion is one of sanitary origins. Keeping the hat off from the bed also meant keeping lice from infesting the hat or the bed."

1 comment:

Jen and Bill said...

I'm very unhappy that lice have infested our blog!!!

Please never use that word again.