Monday, January 9, 2017

The End

I've been putting this post off all year (all 9 days of it!) but I think it's time to admit that we're going on a more permanent break.  Bill bowed out a few months ago and I've been limping along out of guilt.  I loved this blog a lot.  It went from just a single (small) picture and caption (we didn't know how to resize the photos for the first few years!!) to long stories of our adventures.  Obviously our time in the UK was the most fun to post and I love that we were able to share it with you. 

Part of me thinks that the blog is a great way to push us to do things that we wouldn't normally do which is why I don't want to say I'm done with blogging forever.  But for now, I know that I'm happier just living rather than constantly worrying about how to make life "blog-worthy". 

So this is the end...for now.  Who knows?  Maybe we'll both be back and we will just pick up where we left off.  Or maybe after a break I'll start a new blog with a different focus. 

Thank you for reading and commenting.  You're the reason I've continued as long as I have and you're probably the reason I'll be back.

Peace and Love,
Jen and Bill